Roleplaying Games

I spend hours upon hours of free time playing, reading about and hearing about roleplaying games. I've been into it since I was 12 years old and my friend Lars Bo pulled me into this awesome world of beating up rampaging orcs and slaying mighty dragons.
Usually I play fantasy games, but once in a blue moon I pick up a little sci-fi or horror playing. Below is a short list of my favorite games.


  • Rolemaster (RMSS) - Antiquated system suitable for any fantasy setting. Highly realistic (i.e. deadly!) and with a rather complicated rules system.
  • Pathfinder - Very recent release, from the good people at (check out my links on the main page). Very simple rules, using alot of the old D&D 3.5 mechanics. Published under the Open Game License (OGL).
  • Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay - Grim, gritty and dark fantasy roleplaying in a world much like the dark ages Europe. 


  • Star Wars Revised Ed. - Classic d20 system in the Star Wars universe. I always liked this version better than the more recent Saga edition, no clue as to why though. The ancient d6 system was my favorite SW release, but it got old and no more releases always puts a dampener on things.
  • Star Trek RPG - I don't actually play this anymore, as it is simply outdated in every way possible. I spent tons of hours with a bunch of friends on this game in the past though, which is the reason I felt it deserved an honorable mention.
  • Dark Heresy - Warhammer 40k roleplaying. Players portray the entourage of an inquisitor who sends them on various mission to further his own power and influence within the Empire of Man.
  • Deathwatch - Warhammer 40k roleplaying. Players portray Space Marines sent to the xeno-hating company of Deathwatch. Marines specifically trained to combat the enemies of Man, be it Tyranids, Orcs, Eldar or Chaos.


  • Shadowrun - Futuristic d6 system. Loads of gadgets, implants, guns and weird psyker-like magic system. The lore is amazing in this thing. Set in future Northern America, in a time where magic has returned to the world and dragons, dwarves, elves and trolls are once again a common sight.


  • Call of Cthulhu - The first horror system I ever played. Build with the basic roleplaying game system of Chaosium Inc. ( The game is set within the mythological world of H.P. Lovecraft.
  • World of Darkness - White Wolf's Storyteller system. The players portay either mortals trying to figure out the inner workings of the supernatural creatures that are VERY real in our world, or they themselves play supernaturals like mages, vampires, werewolves or demons.

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